Birth Trauma Explained

Birth is a momentous occasion, something that should be celebrated and cherished. But for many women, the experience of childbirth can be traumatic, leaving them feeling powerless, alone, and in pain. It's said that one in three women will experience birth trauma, and the sad reality is that many of these cases are the result of poor care from their providers.

So, what is birth trauma? Firstly, it doesn’t come from high expectations or a birth plan gone wrong, it comes from not being involved in decision making, not feeling informed or respected and being made to feel like their bodies “aren’t working” (air quote that shit harder for me, please.) Some women explain it as;

- Feeling powerless

- Having no control

- Feelings of abandonment

- Feelings of distress & being overwhelmed

- Not having things explained

- Having their emotions disregarded &

- Being coerced into something they’re not comfortable with.

It's important to note that like any sort of trauma, birth trauma is whatever the woman says it is. What may sound ‘fine’ and ‘not a big deal’ for some people may have been a horrible, negative and long-lasting traumatic experience for another. It can be physical, emotional, or psychological, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. However, research shows that the majority (2 in 3) of birth trauma cases are the result of care providers not listening to women, not respecting their choices, and not providing adequate support.

One of the biggest contributors to birth trauma is the over medicalisation of birth. In most hospitals, birth is treated as a medical emergency rather than a normal function of biology. Doctors and midwives have unknowingly been trained to believe that women cannot birth without medical help. Hospitals have so many policy’s and procedures in place that are not evidence based. They are quick to induce healthy women, give artificial hormone drugs and cut open body tissue to deliver babies that weren’t needed to be rushed out.

This over-medicalisation of birth can lead to a lack of trust between women and their care providers. Many women blindly trust their care providers and don't question anything because they believe their providers are the experts. This can result in them having zero power over their own birth experience.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way, but it doesn’t come without work. Women have rights but we have to know them to voice them! We deserve the right to be respected, to be heard and to be supported. We need to question our care providers, we need to demand evidence-based practices, and we need to advocate for ourselves and our babies. It's time to stop being naïve, it's time to do the work, it's time to stand up for ourselves so we can go on to have powerful, transformational births the way nature intended. Education is key when it comes to taking control of your birth experience, ask questions, learn about your own individual body and prepare for the unpredictable. Surround yourself with a supportive birth team who will listen to you and advocate for your choices.

We need to understand our right to say no to certain procedures or interventions, and we need to know that we have the right to ask for things that will make the birth more comfortable and less stressful. Independent childbirth classes can be a fantastic way to learn about these things (the hospital birthing classes are not). Invest in support, a doula is a great way to help you navigate this information while also offering other practical support.

In conclusion, birth trauma is a real issue that is far too common, and it's something that needs to be talked about so other women are aware and have the knowledge to do the work before it happens to them. By acknowledging the problem, educating ourselves during pregnancy about our options, and learning how to advocate for ourselves, we are paving the way for other women, and for ourselves to having better births and journeys into motherhood.

My name is Tasmyn and if you need help to release any fear or tension you may feel about birth, then I am here to help. I’m a pregnancy & birth doula in Two Rocks and service the northern suburbs of Perth.

Whether it’s your first babe or fifth, I’m here to help you gain the confidence you need to birth simply, on your own terms, in your own way, where and how you feel comfortable. I aim to encourage you, remind you of your strength and welcome you into learning all about the magnificence that is birth. I can teach you how to love and appreciate your birthing body, by learning how to trust and work with it during labour and birth. You can find me on instagram as @tasmyn.thesimpledoula or click HERE to head to my website.

Lots of love, Tasmyn xx


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